Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Christ consciousness

Christ consciousness is not religion centric or particular to a certain sect of people. This is for anybody and everybody who wants to raise above the normal characteristics of an individual feel a sense of a great awakening deep within and attain a spiritual high within. This self awakening process is what makes us more human and in fact more godly. This is indeed the dream of every living individual and it should be possible if we really want to get there. The first and most important step that needs to be put forth to this Christ consciousness is a very high level of evolutionary development. This high level of evolutionary development is what forms the base to Christ consciousness and once this is achieved, one becomes truly great.
What is this evolutionary development? Just like the theory of evolution where the monkeys transformed into men is this also some sort of evolution to a higher level? Apparently not, this evolutionary development is the one that is the culmination of the application of spiritual knowledge in normal everyday life. This is of course not as easy as said, and this being said, it is not tough either. With due diligence and effort almost anybody can achieve evolutionary development that will automatically lead you to our ultimate goal – Christ consciousness.
Evolutionary development will mandate you to follow the very rules of any of the prescribed religions and more important will be the method that you opt to apply this knowledge to your life day in and day out and all other simple, mundane tasks. When you are into evolutionary development, you might have to strictly swear by certain humane characteristics and some of these would include being patient in life, being true at any of life’s instances, being humble all through and forgiving your own fellow men. If you practice these qualities you are automatically getting into the sphere of evolutionary development and Christ consciousness is sure to follow. Practicing these characteristics might be difficult for a start, but once you start then there is no holding back. You should be able to do it in style then.
The binaural beat will help you to fine tune your mind to these high frequencies – normal awake state is achieved in beta frequency. Since Christ consciousness happens at a higher level of awakening involving evolutionary development, the trick here is to process the higher beta frequency and that is exactly what the binaural beat sets out to establish. Since the beat produces these high beta frequency beats, the individual experiences a high level of awakening within him that slowly leads to evolutionary development. This is a slow progress but with practice, we are sure to achieve this Christ consciousness quickly. Once the mind gets tuned to adjusting and reading these high frequency beta waves, it becomes very easy to get to a high level of self awakening that will lead to high spiritual development and what follows is nothing but the state of Christ consciousness.

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